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Società di Danza - Lugano

Home > Lugano

19th century dance School

Cultural Assotiation directed by Fabio Mòllica
National Federation Società di Danza

Social dance of 19th century tradition

Social dance of 19th century
Waltz, Quadrille, Coutry Dance, Mazurka, Polka and Scottish Country dance

Note: Lessons are temporarily suspended, they will resume as soon as possible. More information soon available.
For information: Eliana: 347 5677471

Year 2019-2020

Course of 19th century dance
of Società di Danza di 19th century dance
one Saturday per month from October 2019
from h. 15.00 to h. 17.00
Free pen class on
Saturday 21 September 2019
from 15 to 17

Saturday 19 October 2019
Saturday 23 November 2019
Saturday 25 January 2020
Saturday 22 February 2020
Saturday 21 March 2020
Saturday 25 April 2020
Saturday 23 May 2020

at 'Pilates studio', Via Boscioro 12
6962 Lugano - Viganello

Swiss Italian

Teacher: Eliana Colombo

For information:
Eliana: 347 5677471


Società di Danza