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Società di Danza - Lecco

Home > Lecco

Course of XIX Century Social Dance

Waltz, Polka, Quadrille, Mazurka, Scottish country dance

Silvia Brazzoduro 348.0469797 - Antonella 349.6223789

From 2011 the new site of Società di Danza - Lecco is active,
where you can find the information about courses and activities, at the following link: www.societadidanzalecco.it

Year 2010-2011

XIX century dances

Cycle of classes with the following calendar:

6 e 20 october, 3 e 17 november, 1 e 15 december 2010
12 e 26 january, 2 e 16 february, 2 - 16 e 30 march, 13 e 27 april, 11 e 25 may 2011

Course timetable:
h. 21.00 - 23.00

Teacher: Silvia Brazzoduro

The course is held at the Gymnasium of the Scuola Elementare C. Battisti,
viale Montegrappa, 27 - 23900 Lecco (LC)

In collaboration with the cultural association Carpe Diem of Ballabio



Saturday 18 December 2010

Christmas Party



viale Montegrappa, 27, ore 15.30 - 19.00

at the Gymnasium of Scuola Elementare C. Battisti



Valzer Spagnolo, Marcia Carousel, Quadriglia Francese, Valzer Gaudente, Galloway House, Marcia Risorgimentale, Waltz Country Dance, Marcia Arciduca Carlo, Davy's Locker - Reel, Mazurka Fata Morgana, Pas de Trois, Cinderella, Valzer Acquerelli, Marcia Roma, Highland reel


For information and adhesions:
Antonella: 349.6223789 -335.5223002

Silvia: lecco@societadidanza.it


Year 2009-2010


Saturday 3 July 2010
Festa Danzante and dinner

Ballabio (Lecco)
Parco Grigna ore 15.00

Valzer Spagnolo, Cinderella, Valzer Ganglovienne, Quadriglia I Lancieri (doppia), Pas de trois, Marcia Caroussel, Valzer Imperiale, Virginia Reel, Valzer Flammen, Highland Reel, Marcia Roma, Valzer Carlton, Mairi’s Wedding, Mazurka L'Andalusa

For information and adhesions: Antonella: 3496223789 -3355223002


XIX century dances

Cycle of classes one Saturday per month (in the afternoon) starting from October

The course is held at the Scuola elementare of Ballabio

Teacher: Lorenza Guerini

In collaboration with the cultural association Carpe Diem of Ballabio

Società di Danza