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Home > Lecce

Since 2010 is active the new site di Società di Danza - Circolo Pugliese,
info about courses and the activities can be found at the page: www.societadidanza.puglia.it
(currently the site is in Italian - write to puglia@societadidanza.it for information)





Teacher: Assunta Fanuli

Social dance of XIX Century tradition
e Scottish Country Dances

For information call : 339 333 1613 - 320 9662682
mail to puglia@societadidanza.it

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Activities 2009-2010


From  October in Lecce, Bari, Mola di Bari and Manduria

new courses of XIX Century dances and Scottish country dance

 in Lecce

on Tuesday from 20:00 to 21:30 Sala Tito  Schipa - Circolo cittadino (via F. Rubichi 25)

in Bari

on Thursday  from 19:00 to 20:30 Sala Parrocchiale - San Sabino church (Viale Caduti del 28 luglio 1943, n° 5)

in  Manduria (Ta)

on Monday from 17:00 to 18:30 Chiesa della SS. Croce (Via Sant'Antonio)

We are guests of Gestione Tarentini .


with dancers in costume and animation

Sunday 27 September 2009

h. 19:30


Parrocchia San Sabino

Viale Caduti del 28 luglio 1943, n° 5

near to the beach Pane e Pomodoro

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Festa di presentazione

Dancing afternoon: XIX century dance and Scottish dance
with dancers in costume and animation


Sala Tito  Schipa del Circolo cittadino
Sunday 11 October 2009, h. 17.30
via F. Rubichi 25





Sunday 20 December 2009

Christmas Ball
Salone degli Specchi - Circolo cittadino
via F. Rubichi 25



Activities 2008-2009


Lecce: Saletta della Cultura (Novoli) - Via Matilde 7
Bari: Saletta Ottocento - Quartiere Carbonara-Carrassi
Manduria (Ta):  Teatro della Scuola steineriana “La Fonte” - Via per Oria, angolo Viale Piceno
Mola di Bari: Casa Canonica - Corso Umberto I



Novoli (Le)
28 December 2008
The Circolo Pugliese of the Società di Danza, directed by Assunta Fanuli,

celebrates with a XIX Century Gran Ball

the opening of the new Piazza Regina Margherita

in front of the XIX century Teatro Comunale
h. 19.30

Newspaper (in Italian)

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Conversano (Ba)
27 December 2008
Gran Ballo di Natale

h. 19.30
Chiesa di San Giuseppe




28 September 2008
Evening of presentation of the activities - Societˆ di Danza-Circolo Pugliese
h. 18.30
C/O palestra Fitness Club
Viale della Repubblica 127/29




Mola di Bari (Ba)

27 August 2008
Atrio del Castello angioino

The XIX Century in music and dance ,

a XIX century evening with live music




Mola di Bari (Ba)

9 July 2008

Salone per ricevimenti Re Mare

La danza nell'Ottocento

Ecomuseo del Poggio delle Antiche Ville

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Palazzo Palmieri,

Passi cortesi

le Court dance of Italian XV Century

live music

organized by Conservatorio Tito Schipa di Lecce

Cortili aperti, 18-5-2008




Activities 2007-2008

Teacher: Assunta Fanuli

Social Dance of XIX Century tradition
and Scottish Country Dances

Courses of XIX Century dance
and some hints about dress and costume history

Mola di Bari

Every Thursday from 18.30 to 20.30
at the Istituto "E. De Filippo"
via De Gasperi



Every Monday from 19.30 to 21.00
at the
Il Circoletto Arci Alex Langer
Via delle Bombarde 13/b (Porta Napoli)

For information:
refer to Assunta Fanuli 339 3331613 - 320 9662682

Teacher: Assunta Fanuli

For information call : 339 333 1613
Or send an e-mail to puglia@societadidanza.it

The Società di Danza is active in Lecce and other Apulia cities from October 2002 , with the teacher Assunta Fanuli.

In the previous years there were regular classes of XIX Century dances and of Scottish Country dances,
and stage of renaissance and historical dances.

Società di Danza - ClassesBalls Dance link - Performance