
Società di Danza - Forlì

Home > Forlì


Since 2010, Forlì has been included in the "Circolo di Romagna", and all the informations about classes and activities are available at the corresponding page:

Circolo di Romagna

Activities 2009-2010

XIX Century Dances

Classes from October 5th
at Scuola Elementare "De Amicis"
Viale della Libertà 23 - entrance from Viale Oriani, 11
Every Monday 20.30 - 22.30 (20.30-21.45 - Level I and 21.45-22.30 - Level II)


Tea Dance
28 February 2010, h. 15.30

Centro sociale Ricreativo-culturale Castellano
Viale Umberto I, 49, Castel Bolognese (Ra)

Dancing party
Some Photos

"Project '800 - The Quadrille"
theoretical-practical seminar with Fabio Mòllica

On 16/9 at h. 21.15
at the Salone Centrale del Circolo della Scranna,
Via Garibaldi n. 80 - Forlì

Some photos

Società di Danza