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Società di Danza - Faenza

National Federation Società di Danza
Home > Faenza Past

Previous Activities
In the previous years the group started the activities of the Società di Danza from 1997 with the teacher Assunta Fanuli
with classes on 19th Century Dances and Scottish Country Dance, and classes on Renaissance dances.
Then in year 2001-2002 the teacher was Terry De Lallo.
In the year 2002-2003 Fabio Mòllica was the teacher of classes of 19th Century Dances and Scottish Country Dance,
and then G. Gamberini starting from the year 2003-2004 with G. Storchi in 2007-2008.
In the years from 2002 to 2007 for the classes on Renaissance dances, and in 2007-2008 for a cycle of six classes on
18th social dance 'Dancing Mozart' the teacher was S. Balsamo
who took care of the preparation for the 'Festa Settecentesca' at the Toricelli club of 17.5.2008.
From 2005 the Circolo Città di Faenza della Società di Danza has been formed,
from 2010 with the new name Società di Danza - Circolo di Romagna
From 2010 to February 2015 classes and activities have been organized by Circolo di Romagna,
and on the associated site you can fine all the information for the period until February 2015.
In the years 2011-2012 and 2013-2014 the cycle of six meetings on dance of late eighteenth century society
they were held by S. Balsamo who took care of the preparation of the dances for the event
'Dances, music and readings of the late 18th century' at Palazzo Milzetti, with live music on 8.3.2014.
Further details on the various activities carried out, including 19th century dance courses, seminars, events, parties and dancing at the Circolo di Romagna website.

From March 2015 a new Società di Danza group is active in Faenza.
Information on current activities at the home page of Faenza.

Activities 2008-2009

XIX Century Dances and Scottish Country Dances
Waltz, Polka, Quadrille, Mazurka
on Monday
ITIP "Bucci", Via San Giovanni Battista n. 11, Faenza
I level: h. 20.30-21.45 - II level: h. 21.45-23.00

Information: tel. 340 2923818 - romagna@societadidanza.it

Tea Dance
11 January 2009
h. 15.30

Centro sociale Ricreativo-culturale Castellano
Viale Umberto I, 49, Castel Bolognese


Contact the Circolo Città di Faenza

Dancing 'Tombola' at Cesena
15 February 2009, h. 15

Sala Primavera dell'Auser (ex istituto Comandini)
Corso U. Comandini, 7, Cesena


Information: 3402923818 - 3402465599

Scottish dance
October, 3 2008, h. 21
Lugo, Via Galleria Minardi n. 25
animation with Scottish dances
poster (pdf)

Activities of year 2007-2008

19th Century Dances and Scottish Country Dances
Waltz, Polka, Quadrille, Mazurka
on Monday, Palestra XL Wellness Area, Via Volta, 5, Faenza
I level: h. 20.30-21.45 - II level: h. 21.45-23.00
Courses of three months starting from: 8.10.2007, 7.1.2008, 31.3.2008
Teachers: Gabriella Gamberini and Gianluca Storchi

Information: tel. 340 2923818 - romagna@societadidanza.it

Gran Ballo Ottocentesco
20 April 200h.8, ore 18
Salone delle Bandiere, Residenza Municipale
P.zza del Popolo n. 31, Faenza
Valzer Spagnolo, Bob of Fettercairn, Valzer degli auguri, Quadriglia Indra, Mazurka Saluti dall'Austria, Scotch Circle, Valzer del Principe Rodolfo, Pink Panda,
Valzer Imperiale, Quadriglia Orfeo, Valzer libero, Nice to see you, Valzer Simpatia, Flowers of Edinburgh, Heimats Kinder, Galop.

Some photos
Information: tel. 340 2923818 - romagna@societadidanza.it

Dancing Mozart
Minuet, allemande, contredance
Introduction to social dance of late XVIII Century

Six monthly seminars, in Saturday afternoon:
27.10, 24.11.2007, 12.1, 9.2, 8.3, 17.5.2008
Palestra XL Wellness Area, Via Volta, 5, Faenza
I level: 15.30-17.30 - II level: 17.30-18.30
Teacher: S. Balsamo

Information: tel. 340 2923818 - romagna@societadidanza.it

Festa Settecentesca

May 17, 2008
Circolo Torricelli, Faenza
h. 18

Information: tel. 340 2923818 - romagna@societadidanza.it

January, 20, 2008
Centro Sociale Ricreativo-Culturale, Castellano di Castel Bolognese, h. 15.30
Viale Umberto I, 49

Contact the Circolo Città di Faenza

Activities of year 2006-2007

19th Century Dances and Scottish Country Dances
Friday 20.00-22.30
Palestra XL Wellness Area, Via Volta, 5, Faenza
I level: h. 20.00-21.15 - II level: h. 21.15-22.30
Courses of three months starting from: 6.10.2006, 12.1.2007, 30.3.2007
Teacher: Gabriella Gamberini
Information: tel. 340 2923818 - 339 1071009

Gran Ballo a Palazzo Milzetti

1 June 2007
Palazzo Milzetti, V. Tonducci 5, Faenza, h. 21

Valzer Spagnolo, Kendall's Hornpipe, Valzer Heimats Kinder, Quadriglia francese, Valzer libero
Valzer sogni di studente, Flowers of Edinburgh, Mazurka delle Amazzoni, Galop

Some photos

Information: tel. 340 2923818
Contact the Circolo Città di Faenza

Scottish Dances
17 July 2007
Via Mazzini, Piazzetta Folicaldi, Bagnacavallo
h. 21
in "I martedì d'estate"
Information: tel. 340 2923818
Contact the Circolo Città di Faenza

January, 14, 2007
Centro Sociale Ricreativo-Culturale, Castellano di Castel Bolognese, h. 15.30
Viale Umberto I, 49

Valzer Spagnolo, A Reel for Jeannie, Boston Two Step, Quadriglia delle Amazzoni, La Rinka,
Galloway House, Davy's Locker, Quadriglia Mongibello, Cenerentola, Valzer del Tramonto, Could Kail, The Merry Reapers,
Valzer Gaudente, Strip the Willow, Marcia Roma, Galop

Contact the Circolo Città di Faenza

Thursday September, 21, 2006, h. 20,30
Auditorium del Palazzo degli Studi, V. S. Maria dell'Angelo, 1

Progetto '800: il Valzer

Seminar by dott. Fabio Mòllica
A theoretical-practical stage on XIX Century waltz.

Dancers will be present.
Infos: tel. 340 2923818

Renaissance Dances
periodic on Monday, h. 20.00-23.00
Staring from: October, 2, 2006, h.20.00
at Rione Verde, Via Cavour, 37, Faenza
2.10, 6.11, 4.12.2006; 8.1, 12.2, 12.3, 2.4.2007
Teacher: Simonetta Balsamo
Information: tel. 335.6661078

Past activities

In the previous years several balls and tea dances have been organized, including:

Gran Ballo Faentino, April, 6, 1997, Circolo del Teatro, Faenza.

Scene da un Ballo Ottocentesco, October, 7, 2000

Gran Ballo, April, 6, 2002, Sala del Circolo Torricelli

Festa Faentina, October, 27, 2002, Circolo ANSPI P.za San Francesco
Valzer Spagnolo, Virgina Reel, Quadriglia I Lancieri, Valzer Libero, General Stuart's Reel, Rinka, Circassian Circle, Heimats Kinder, Leap Year, Gunstwerber Waltz, The Olympians, Flammen, Eightsome Reel

Festa di Halloween, October, 31, 2003

Tea Dance, November, 29, 2003 Festa di Halloween, October, 31, 2003

Some events have been organized, including the following:

Scottish Dances, May, 31, 2004, in the XI Palio di Alberico, Barbiano di Cotignola (RA)

XIX Century Dances, July, 2004, in "I martedì d'estate" , Faenza

XIX Century Dances and Scottish Dances, August, 2, 2004, in Festival Internazionale del folklore , Russi (RA)

XIX Century Dances, September, 18, 2005, in "Fira di Sett Dulur" , h. 21, Russi (RA)

Tea Dance, April, 30, 2006, h. 15.30, Castel Bolognese (RA), Centro Sociale Ricreativo-Culturale Castellano, Viale Umberto I, 49
Dance program
Valzer Spagnolo, Galloway House, Valzer Heimats Kinder, Light and Airy, Mazurka delle Amazzoni, Cotillon, Quadriglia I Lancieri, Mrs. Stewart Sinton's, Valzer Rinka, Joie de vivre, Boston two step, Cotillon, Valzer libero, Dashing White Sergeant, Valzer Sogni di Studente, Virginia Reel, Galop
Invitation, Some photos

Ravenna, Performance of XIX Century dance and Scottish country dance, 11.4.2006
Some photos

Società di Danza - Contact the Circolo Città di Faenza - ClassesBalls Dance link - Performance