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Società di Danza - Como

Home > Como

School of 19th century dance

Cultural association directed by Fabio Mòllica
National Federation Società di Danza

Social dance of 19th century tradition - Tea Dances and Grand Balls<

From August 2015 is active a site for Como
at the page http://societadidanza.wix.com/como#!english/crer

19th Century Social Dance
Quadrille, waltz, polka, mazurka, Scottish dance

Year 2015-2016

Courses of Società di Danza of 19th century dance
on Monday from h. 21.00 to 22.30
Centro Civico di Camerlata, Via Varesina 1 (large parking space available)

Teacher: Eliana Colombo

Information: tel. 347 5677471 - como@societadidanza.it - www.societadidanza.it

Year 2014-2015

Società di Danza during the year 2014-2015 organized courses of 19th century danceform October to May
evety Friday in Como, at il Centro Civico di Camerlata with teacherE. Colombo.

Grand Ball in Villa on the Lake

Sunday 10 May 2015 h. 16
Villa Gallia
Via Borgo Vico 148, Como
Arrival at 14.30 and promenade on Lungolago
Grand Ball: from 16 to 19

Program: Spanish Waltz, The Honeymoon reel (CP-4), March of Bacco, Quadrille A Nigth in Venice, Waltz Luigi XV, The Dhoon, Waltz la Gazza Ladra, Hungarian March, The Rothesay Rant, March Roma, Galop
Information: Eliana tel 347-567747 - como@societadidanza.it

Christmas Tea Dance

Sunday 8 December 2013 - h. 16.00
at 'Luce Danza' Via Viganò 15

Società di Danza