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Società di Danza -Cesena

Home > Cesena Past
Previous Activities
In the previous years the group started the activities of the Società di Danza from 2007 with the teacher Gianluca Storchi
with classes on 19th Century Dances and Scottish Country Dance.
Activities continued in the year 2008-2009 with teachers Gianluca Storchi and Gabriella Gamberini.
Activities has been organized by Michele Pistocchi with the Circolo Città di Faenza della Società di Danza ,
that from 2010 has the new name Società di Danza - Circolo di Romagna

Activities 2008-2009

Stage in Cesena of the Società di Danza
for the year 2008-2009.

Courses, Tea Dance and Balls to introduce and explore the world of
XIX Century dance in Italy and Europe.

Classes on:
4.10.2008 (welcome and course presentation)
18.10 - 8.11 - 22.11 - 6.12 - 20.12.2008 -
2009: 10,2.1 - 7, 21.2 - 7, 21.3 - 4, 18.4 - 9, 23.5

Time: from 16.00 to 18.00

At the dance hall of the ex-Istituto Comandini (now Auser),
C.so U. Comandini 7 - 47023, Cesena

Tombola Danzante
15 February 2009, h. 15

Sala Primavera dell'Auser (ex istituto Comandini)
Corso U. Comandini, 7, Cesena

Activities 2007-2008

The first stage in Cesena of the Società di Danza
for the year 2007-2008.

13.10.2007 (welcome and course presentation) - 20.10 - 17.11 - 1.12.2007 -
19.1.2008 - 16.2 - 1.3 - 29.3 - 12.4 - 3.5 - 7.6 2008

Teacher: Gianluca Storchi

Time: from 15.00 to 17.30

At the dance hall of the ex-Istituto Comandini (now Auser),
C.so U. Comandini 7 - 47023, Cesena

Tea Dance
Saturday 1 December 2007

Information: Michele Andrea Pistocchi - 340.2465599


Società di Danza