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Società di Danza - Massa-Carrara

School of 19th Century Dance
Cultural association directed by Fabio Mòllica
National Federation Società di Danza

Home > Massa-Carrara

Year 2024 - 2025

Course of 19th century dance of Società di Danza on Saturday every fifteen days, from October 2024.
Events of tea dance and Balls are planned.

Course of 19th century dance and Scottish dance - Carrara

Waltz, Quadrille, Contraddanze, Mazurka, Polka and Scottish dance
Course of four months
on Saturday twice per month, from h. 15
Sala Devadatta, Via Pontremoli 11, Carrara
from October to May, every two weeks
h. 15.00-17.15 - beginners
h. 17.15-18.00 - intermediate
next course starts
from Saturday 8 February 2025, h. 15
Calendar II term
8/2, 22/2, 8/3, 22/3, 5/4, 12/4, 3/5, 24/5
Teacher: M. Luisa Fava
Info - tel. 339.2259850 - mail: massacarrara@societadidanza.it

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Grand Ball "degli Antichi Cedri"
Grand Ball

Sunday 6 October 2024, h. 15

Villa Dosi Delfini
Via dei Chiosi 5
Pontremoli (Ms)

Info: tel. 339.2259850

Yar 2023 - 2024

Course of 19th century dance of Società di Danza on Saturday every fifteen days, from October 2023.
Events of tea dance and Balls were organized.

Course of 19th century dance and Scottish country dance

Waltz, Quadrille, Contraddanze, Mazurka, Polka and Scottish country dance

Course of four months
on Saturday every two weeks, from h. 15
Sala Devadatta, Via Pontremoli 11, Carrara
Classes every two weeks on Saturday afternoon from October to May

h. 15.00-17.15 - beginners
h. 17.15-18.00 - intermediate
I term
from Saturday 7 October 2023, ore 15
Calendar I term
October: 7 - 14, November: 4 - 18, December: 2 - 16, January: 13 - 20
Calendar II term
February 3 - 17, March: 2 - 16, April: 6 e 20,
May: 4 - 18

M. Luisa Fava

Information - tel. 339.2259850 - mail: massacarrara@societadidanza.it

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Scottish Party
'April Flowers' - Scottish Garden Party

Sunday 7 April 2024, h. 15.30
Sala Devadatta, Via Pontremoli 11
Carrara (Ms)

A Canobie Ceillidh, antarctica Bound, Circle of Cheers,
Easy Peasy Rights and Lefts, Festival Interceltique, Flowers of Edinburgh, Spanish Waltz, The Univef Circle, Wlatz country dance, Galopping Caroussel, Lochalsh Reel, The Tri-mariner, Two to One, Uncle's Bill's Jig, City of Belfast, Portincaple Oak, The Bees of Maggieknockater

Info: 339.2259850 - massacarrara@societadidanza.it

* Sunday 8 October 2023 - Grand Ball "degli Antichi Cedri"

* Sunday 7 April: 2024 - 'April Party', Scottish Garden Party

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Grand Ball 'degli Antichi Cedri'
19th century Grand Ball

Sunday 8 October 2023
Villa Dosi Delfini
Via dei Chiosi 5
Pontremoli (Ms)
h. 15.30

Waltz: Spanish, n. 2, Artist's Life, Flowers'
March: Hungarian, Caroussel - Mazurka: Alpenrose, Fata Morgana
Quadrillea: Etruria (I, II, V), Araldi (I, II, V)
Scottish: Welcome Reel, Abbotsford Lassies, Findlay's Jig, Lady Catherine Brodie's Reel

Information: tel. 339.2259850 - massacarrara@societadidanza.it

The Villa 'dei Chiosi' was built at the end of the 18th century by will of the brothers Carlo and Francesco Dosi, wealthy businessmen of the Pontremoli Granducale. The idea and the project of the Villa are linked precisely to the figure of Carlo Dosi, a man of vast culture passionate about art, architecture and gardening, who chose some of the greatest artists for the decoration of his 'home'; in view of the weather. The history of Villa Dosi is also the story of a family that from its construction until today remained always linked to this place, going through periods of splendor and periods of abandonment, up to the long and demanding restoration that allows us today to admire it in all its splendor. Completely abandoned during the years of the French revolution and the Napoleonic period, it was gradually recovered starting from 1814 and still today is restoration object. Imagined as a place of worldly delights and events according to the taste of the Baroque era, the villa best represents the spirit of its time, through a surprising intertwining of nature, architecture, artistic decoration, refined furnishings. At the entrance of the Villa the two monumental cedars of Lebanon, planted way back in 1863, which give the name to the Grand Ball, await visitors welcoming them with an imposing shady embrace.

Year 2022 - 2023

Course of 19th century dance of Società di Danza on Saturday every fifteen days, from October 2022
Events of tea dance and Balls have been organized.

Course of 19th Century Dance and Scottish country dance
Waltz, Quadrille, Contraddanza, Polka, Mazurka, Scottish Country Dance
Course of four months on Saturday, from h. 15.30, Sala Devadatta, Via Pontremoli 11
Classes every two weeks on Saturday afternoon from October to May
2nd term: inizio sabato 11 febbraio 2023
Calendar 2nd term: February 11 and 18, March 4 and 18, April 1 and 22, May 6 and 20
Calendar 1st term: 8 and 22 October, 5 and 19 November, 3 and 17 December, 7 and 21 Juanuary
Time: h. 15.30-18.00 I level - h. 17.30-18.30 - II level
I term: October - January - II term: February - May

Teacher: Maria Luisa Fava
Information - tel. 339.2259850 - mail: massacarrara@societadidanza.it

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Scottish Party

Sunday 16 April 2023, h. 16

Sala Devadatta
Via Pontremoli 11
Carrara (Ms)

Welcome Reel, Hospitality Circle, Flowers of Edinburgh, Ferryboat, Abbotsford Lassies, A Wee Nothing, More Bees A-Dancing, The Gilly Flower, Kingussie Flower, Tantalus Jig, Muse Cottage,Trip to Glasgow, The Bees of Maggieknockater, The Silver Thistle, The Flower o' the Quern


Information: 339.2259850 - massacarrara@societadidanza.it

Year 2021 - 2022

Course of 19th century dance of Società di Danza a Carrara on Saturday every fifteen days, from October 2021
Events of tea dance and Balls

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Course of 19th Century Dance
Waltz, Quadrille, Contraddanza, Polka, Mazurka, Scottish Country Dance
Three months course
on Saturday, from h. 16.30
Sala Devadatta, Via Pontremoli 11
classes every two weeks on Saturday afternoon from October to May

I course
from 10 October to 18 December 2021
time: 15.30-18.00 beginners
I term
23 October, 6 - 20 November, 4 - 18 December
II term
8 - 22 January, 5 - 19 February, 5 March
III term
19 March, 2 - 23 April, 7 - 21 May
Teacher: Maria Luisa Fava

Information: 339.2259850 - massacarrara@societadidanza.it

'Fiori d'Aprile '
Debut Dancing Party
Circolo di Massa-Carrara

Sunday 10 April 2022, h. 16
Sala Devadatta, Via Pontremoli 11
Carrara (Ms)
Waltz Country Dance, The Buttercup (J),
Quadrille Flora, Mazurka La Flora,
Le Papillon (J), A Wisp of Thistle (S),
Pluto's Head (R), Waltz Rose di Petrin,
Mazurka Alpenrose, Quadrille Colosseo,
Rakes of Glasgow (S), La Flora (J),
Flowers of Edinburgh (R), Flowers' Waltz
Information: 339.2259850 - massacarrara@societadidanza.it

Year 2020 - 2021

Course of 19th century dance of Società di Danza a Carrara on Saturday every fifteen days, from October 2020
The course was held in the allowed periods

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Course of 19th Century Dance
Waltz, Quadrille, Contraddanza, Polka, Mazurka, Scottish Country Dance
Three months course

on Saturday, from h. 16.30
Sala Devadatta, Via Pontremoli 11
classes every two weeks on Saturday afternoon
from October to May
I course from 10 October to 19 December 2020
time: 16.15-18.30 beginners
Teacher: Maria Luisa Fava

Information: 339.2259850

Year 2019 - 2020

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'Le Danze di Elisa'
19th Century Dance

presentation of dances of early 19th Century in epoch dress
by Società di Danza Massa-Carrara

21 July 2020, h. 21.30
Aula Magna dell'Accademia di Belle Arti
Salone del Principe
Palazzo Cybo-Malaspina, Carrara

in collaboration with association
'Amici dell'Accademia di Belle Arti di Carrara'
Event in the program of 'White Carrara Downtown 2020', Poster

Information: tel. 339.2259850 - massacarrara@societadidanza.it

Course of 19th century dance of Società di Danza a Carrara on Saturday every fifteen days, from October 2019
The cours was held until February 2020

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Course of 19th Century Dance
Waltz, Quadrille, Contraddanza, Polka, Mazurka, Scottish Country Dance

Three months course - Calendar

on Saturday, h. 16.30

Sala Devadatta, Via Pontremoli 11
2nd Term

11 and 25 January
8 and 29 February
14 March
1st Term
19 October
9 and 23 November
7 and 14 December
Teacher: Maria Luisa Fava

Information: 339.2259850 massacarrara@societadidanza.it

Some planned activities

  • Carrara - Debut Party

  • Pontremoli - Grand Ball 'Librario'

Information: 339.2259850 - massacarrara@societadidanza.it


Società di Danza