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Società di Danza - Bologna

Home > Bologna

From 2011 the new site of the Circolo Bolognese is active,
where you can find the information about courses and activities, at the following link:

School of XIX Century Dance

Cultural association directed by Fabio Mòllica

Waltz, Quadrille, Contry Dances, Mazurka, Polka and Scottish Country Dances.
Tea dances and Balls , also in collaboration with cultural institutions and associations.
Promotion of historical research in the dance field.

Information: 051 513928 - bologna@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza Bolognese

Year 2010-2011

New courses from October to May I Course 30/09/10 - 20/12/10
II Course 10/01/11 - 28/03/10
III Course 02/04/11 - 16/06/11

Convenzione con il cusb
every Thursday
next courses from January 13, 2011

to from 20.30 alle 23.00
20:30 - 21:45 beginners
21:45 - 22:15 intermediate
22:15 - 23:00 advances

Quartiere S. Donato
Palestra Scuola G. Garibaldi
via Andreini, 41
Quartiere S. Donato

Teacher: Gianluca Storchi

every Monday
next courses from January 10, 2011

from 21.00 to 23.00
21:00 - 22:15 beginners
22:15 - 23:00 intermediate/advanced

Quartiere S. Stefano
Presso Sala V. Moratello, Via Casanova 11

Teacher: Gabriella Gamberini

For information: tel. 051 513928 - bologna@societadidanza.it

Spring Tea Dance

10 April 2011 - h. 15.30

Circolo La Fattoria
Via Pirandello 6


For information: bologna@societadidanza.it

Seminar of Scottish Dances

Teacher: Helen Russell, R.S.C.D.S.

Sunday 28 November 2010
Centro Sportivo Barca, via Sanzio 6

h. 14.00-17.00 level beginners/intermediate
h. 17.00-17.30 tea break
h. 17.30-19.00 level advanced

Information: tel. 051 513928 - bologna@societadidanza.it


Sotto la luna a passo di danza

Tavolo Partecipato delle Associazioni - Quartiere San Donato
Nuova Piazza di san Donato angolo Via Garavaglia, Bologna

11 September 2010, h. 21:15
A tribute to the cinema: 19th century dance drawn from classic films.

25 settembre 2010, ore 21:15
An evening of Scottish dancing. With the accompaniment of bagpipes master Pietro Malaguti.


Il Valzer dei Maestri. II Edition

Il Salotto di Antonio Poggi ed Eminia Frezzolini.
18 September 2010 h. 17:30
Museo della Tappezzeria "Vittorio Zironi", via di Casaglia n. 3

Comune di Bologna

Società di Danza Bolognese
In the frame of the Sala della Meridiana of Villa Spada an open lesson on 19th century dance
and period costumes (free entrance).
For the occasion, the museum will exhibit some original vintage clothing.
16:00, by reservation telephone G.A.I.A. Eventi Bologna (051/9911923),
a guided tour of the gardens of Villa Spada and the Museum of Tapestry "Vittorio Zironi".


Thursday 30 September 2010 h. 21

at the school gym
G. Garibaldi, via Andreini, 41

for information: bologna@societadidanza.it

Year 2009-2010

The courses held from October to May

19th Century Dance

Sunday 20 June 2010, ore 21
Hotel UNAWAY Bologna
Piazza della Costituzione n. 1

evening organized by Lions Club Bologna Giosuè Carducci Castelmaggiore

Sottish Dances

Sunday 13 June from 16.00

Centro Sociale Villa Paradiso, via Emilia Levante n. 138

free entrance

La Traviata
Giuseppe Verdi
24.4.2010 h. 21 Teatro Consorziale di Budrio (BO)
25.4.2010 h. 16.30 Teatro Consorziale di Budrio (BO)
27.4.2010 h. 21 Teatro Diego Fabbri - Forlì

Orchestra Bruno Maderna
Director: Aldo Salvagno
Interpeters: Fernanda Costa, Roberto Servile,
Gianluca Pisolini and finalists 7o competition Anselmo Colzani
Choir Vincenzo Bellini
Società di Danza Bolognese

Director: Roberto Bonato
Direction: Edoardo Siravo
Co-productio: Association Amici della Musica di Cuneo

Scottish dances at the 'Carnevale della Cirenaica'

Sunday 11 April 2010
from 14:00 via Bentivogli, Bologna

Scottish bagpipes by the master Pietro Malaguti
In collaboration with Quartiere San Vitale and Quartiere San Donato

Spring Party

14 March 2010 - ore 15.30

Villa Torchi
via Colombarola, 40


Valzer Spagnolo, Honeymoon, Lady Wind, Valzer Gaudente, Island Chain, Quadrglia Bivouac, Marcia Caroussel, The Wings of the Dove, Scotland, Quadriglia Principe di Napoli, Mazurka Saluti dall'Austria, Miss Hamilton of Wishaw, Valzer Heimats Kinder, Barley Bree, Valzer Note di Vita Quotidiana, Galop


For information: bologna@societadidanza.it

Danze scozzesi sotto l'albero

Saturday 19 December 2009, h. 17
Animation of Scottish dance
Dima Shopping Center
via Emilia Levante 8

The Waltz of the Masters. XIX century history of a dance

Friday 11 September 2009 - h. 18.00-19.30
Galleria Acquaderni, via Rizzoli 3
    Bé 2009
bolognaestate09 - Comune di Bologna


Società di Danza Bolognese
How was the waltz born? How was it dantced? Who were the masters of such a dance? These are soly some of the questions that will be answered during the unusual lecture given by Fabio Mòllica. During the lecture, some dancers of the "Società di Danza" will execute some figured waltz on the music of famous XIX century composers, for a new discovery of the waltz. A short trip in the history, to enjoy a symbof of the XIX century elegance and style, as described in famous movies and historical novels.
Some photos

Scottish Dances

by the Società di Danza Bolognese

Sunday 20 September 2009 - from 19.00
Festa al Giardino Gino Cervi
via Magazzari

Organized by Quartiere San Donato in the "San Donato, un centro in città - tavolo di progettazione partecipata"

Maratona di Danze Scozzesi

Sunday 27 September

h. 15:30 - 17:30 Giù dal Ponte in Festa
Scottish dances in Piazza Mickiewicz,
via Amaseo, via San Donato e viale della Repubblica

h. 18:30 - 19:30 Villa Paradiso
via Emilia Levante 138

Festa di apertura

Thursday October, 1st, 2009 - h. 20.30

Palestra Scuola G. Garibaldi
via Andreini, 41

For information: bologna@societadidanza.it

Year 2008-2009

The courses held from October to May

every Thursday from January, 8, 2009
from 20.00 to 23.00
Palestra Scuola G. Garibaldi
via Andreini, 41
Agreement with cusb

Festa di inizio estate

Sunday 31 May 2009 - h. 18

Villa Paradiso - Via Emilia Levante 138

for information: bologna@societadidanza.it
self-made buffet!

Taste it! Wine and dance

Scottish party and tasting

Friday 23 January from 19:30

Circolo Mazzini - direfaremangiare
via Emilia Levante 6

Kendall's hornpipe, Cinderella, Tantalus Jig, I Lancieri, Belle of Bon Accord, The triumph, Flowers of Edinburgh, The Olympians, Caledonians, La Tempete, Fife Hunt, Postie's Jig

Some photos

Saturday 24 January 2009, h. 21
I sing the body electric

Projection of three live media shows
Teatro Manzoni, via de' Monari 1/2, Bologna
The Società di Danza Bolognese participated in the realization of the live "Mutazioni" by Gian Luca Beccari
in occasion of the Arte Fiera. Evento organized by Galleria Contemporary Concept.
Info: www.isinghtebodyelectric.com
Projection: 10 E

Festa di apertura

Thursday, October, 2, 2008 - from 20
Palestra Scuole Garibaldi
via Andreini 41

Open Day CUS Bologna
Prova lo Sport!
Exhibition day of the activities of CUS
Wednesday 1 October 2008, from 18:30 to 19:00

PALACUS, via del Carpentiere - Bologna

in collaboration with CUSB - Università di Bologna

XIX Century dance
con la Società di Danza

Saturday 20 September 2008, h. 18-22.30

Via Caprarie - Via Drapperie
Le vie dei sapori con assaggi enograstronomici
in "Mezzanotte nel Quadrilatero"

Alma Fest - party con UniBo

Tuesday 16 September 2008, from 11:00 to 11:30

Piazza Scaravilli - Bologna

in collaboration with CUSB Università di Bologna

Spettacolo di Danze di tradizione Ottocentesca

Sunday 14 September 2008, ore 21
C.S. Villa Paradiso
via Emilia Levante 138

Free entrance and free contribution
Charity to Lega Italiana Tumori (LIT)

Year 2007-2008

Classes in


every Thursday from January 8, 2008

h. 21.00-23.00
Palestra Scuola G. Garibaldi
via Andreini, 41

Teacher: Fabio Mòllica

Previous year activities
Società di Danza was funded in 1991 in Bologna by Fabio Mòllica, connected to theoretical-practical labs of
dance history and historical danceat the course 'Storia della Danza' (Dance History')
at the Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo, of University of Bologna.
Società di Danza directed by Fabio Mòllica held countinuous courses of 19th century dance since 1991
with teacher F. Mòllica until 2000, started the Training School of 19th Century Dance (since 1993)
and the projects Eater School (since 1992) and Summer School (since 1993), International Stages of 19th century dance,
the project 'Grand Ball of Unione Europea' (since 1994), the project Grand Ball of United Italy and
Grand Ball Risorgimentale in Bologna in collaboration with Museo del Risorgimento.
Società di Danza organized in Bologna i International congresses:
Storia della Danza e Danza Storica: riflessioni e studi (History of the dance), Villa Aldovrandi-Mazzacorati, Bologna, 8-9 May 1999
International Congress: Bologna and the European culture of Dance in the '700, Bologna, 2-4 June 2000, Teatro San Martino
Società di Danza organized the laboratory-stage 'Danzare Mozart' (Dancing Mozart'), held by F. Mòllica, on social dance of '700 and
the Stagione di Danza del Settecento (18th century dance events), a collaboration of Società di Danza with Comune di Bologna, in 'Bologna 2000', University of Bologna,
Cattedra di Storia della Danza and 'Associazione Cultura e Arte del '700', from February to November 2000, at the Teatro della Villa Aldrovandi Mazzacorati, Bologna.
Società di Danza organized several seminars of historical dance from 1994 to 2000 in Bologna, and events of 18th century dance and renaissance dance.
Società di Danza organized several Grand Balls, Grand Balls Risorgimentali or Grand Balls of United Italy, seminars, stages, tea dance and social activities.
The dance courses, with teacher F. Mò from 1991 to 2000, also included Scottish Country dances, according to the style and reconstruction of Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
to which Società di Danza è is affiliated. From November 2000 to September 2007 Società di Danza in a Bologna was with the Circolo Bolongese.
Since October 2007 Società diDanza developed in a larger and more general dimension and formed the Federation Società di Danza
with Circoli, groups and people that agree with the Manifesto, the System and the Educational Material, with several groups in many Italian cities and some European cities.
Since January 2008 Società di Danza had new courses of 19th century dance and Scottish country dance in Bologna held by F. Mòllica.
Then the courses where held by G. Storchi, and then G. Storchi and G. Gamberini.
Since 2008 it is active the new group Società di Danza Bolognese affiliated to the Federation Società di Danza.
Since 2011 is active the new site where one can find the information from 2001 up today.

Information: 051 513928 - bologna@societadidanza.it
Società di Danza