National Federation
 Welcome to Società di Danza Monza e Brianza
The cultural association Società di Danza Monza e Brianza performs work of rediscovery and popularization of social dances of the mid-nineteenth century, combining culture and socialization in an activity for young people and adults.

The dances are studied and practiced Waltz, Quadrille, Mazurkas, Polke and Scottish Country Dance.

Information: 339.1846023 (after h. 20:00) - monza@societadidanza.it
villa reale monza
First free trial lesson on September, 21 2021 at 8:30 pm

Calendar course
The dance class of nineteenth-century tradition society will start on October 5th, 2021 at 8:30 pm
in MONZA, via Iseo 18, Centro Civico

Teacher Rosa Matera
valzer fiori
Upcoming events

See the page in Italian

italian National Federation
Associazione Culturale Società di Danza Monza e Brianza - C.F. 94622200155 - monza@societadidanza.it